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RPSC Grade 1 Result 2020: Candidates can now check the result on the official website

RPSC Grade 1 Result 2020

RPSC Grade 1 Result 2020: Rajasthan Public Service Commission Lecturer Result 2020 released on the official website. The School Lecturer Result Grade 1, Hindi and Drawing subjects merit list has been announced on the website,

The provisional merit list as prepared by RPSC has a total of 1738 candidates qualified in the Grade I exam. Out of the 1738 candidates qualified, 1654 are in RPSC Grade I Hindi and 84 in the Drawing subject.

The candidates who appeared for the exam, can refer to the provisional merit list and download it from the official website.

The next step for the qualified candidates in Grade I Hindi and Drawing is the Counselling round. The details of the Counselling round like date, time and venue would be informed by the Commission soon on its official website.

How to Check/Download RPSC Grade 1 School Lecturer Result 2020

1.Visit the official website of Rajasthan Public Service Commission,

2.On the Home page of the website, click on “26/06/2020- Provisional List of Candidates for Eligibility Checking and cut of marks for School Lecturer (School Edu.)- 2018 (Hindi)”.

3.It will open the pdf link to the RPSC Grade 1 provisional merit list.

4.Candidate can check the result in the list, or download the pdf for future reference.


For direct link to the Provisional link, CLICK BELOW

RPSC Grade 1 Result-Drawing

RPSC Grade 1 Result- Hindi

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