
Crush landing on you popular series 1 review


The show truly is everything that a large number of us have come to cherish in drama.

It’s exquisite to take a gander at, our entertainers are pretty darn able all-around, our characters are for the most part charming, there’s amped-up, Crush landing on you epic sentiment to be had between an OTP that shares strong, sparky science, and, well, Hyun Bin is engaging in this, to a somewhat stunning degree.

crush landing on you

Thrash. As a little something extra, Show has a saucy comical inclination around dramatization tropes, even as it delights in them.

Likewise, the brief look into North Korean life feels new and novel too and is a significant feature.

On the drawback, there’s a touch of drag in the mid-to-late scenes, Crush landing on you which is intensified by rather an awkward story apprehension, and Show’s long scenes.

That can feel a piece or a ton hard-going, contingent upon your craving for anxiety.

By and large, however, Show works superbly bringing the feels and is justified even despite the watch. THE LONG VERDICT:

Clever story, you all; I watched this dramatization twice, before composing this survey. This is something I never do, fundamentally.

I watch a show once and afterward survey it. The main rewatches I accomplish for an audit would be for more seasoned dramatizations like Goong and Coffee Prince.

where I rewatch the show being referred to (once more, only once), to create the survey. So the way that I watched this show twice before beginning to compose this survey, is a first, for me.

Which makes one wonder, for what reason did I want to watch this show twice?

Essentially, I needed to ensure that Crush landing on you I was as a rule reasonable for Show. I’d began this show on a high note, right off the bat in Show’s run; it made me giggle, and I discovered it magnificently slurpable, and rather cracky, even.

I discovered Show silly, fun, and engaging, even as I cheerfully gobbled up the feels that Show presented. And afterward genuine disrupted the general flow, and I fell behind in my watch.

Show likewise got pre-empted twice, in this manner Crush landing on you adding to the slack.

At the point when I figured out how to get once again into a standard beat with my watch, around Show’s center ish scenes, I was muddled to find that I didn’t appear to discover this show as cracky as I’d had, from the start. I wound up stalling, once in a while, in viewing the following scene.

In Show’s last stretch, however, I chose to watch the scenes as near one another as could be expected under the circumstances, and amazingly, I found that I appreciated those couple of scenes more than I’d anticipated.

crush landing on you

This made me wonder if the mid-show drag which I’d felt was Show’s flaw; possibly it was only the way that I’d lost energy? Possibly it was simply me, and not Show’s issue by any means?

I concluded it is uncalled for to announce that Show had any mid-run drag, without first checking it, thus when.

I got as far as possible of my watch, I went directly back to scene 1 and started from the very beginning once more. This time, I made a point to keep up Crush landing on you a decent pace, and viewed, in any event, a scene daily, if not two.

The final product? All things considered, I despite everything think Show experiences some mid-run drag, yet it’s genuinely not as awful as I’d initially suspected.

So my slack in watch pace contributed to the apparent drag. I’ll speak progressively about the mid-run drag later in this survey.

For the present, let me state that I don’t think this show is for everybody. A decent benchmark, I believe, is whether you making the most of 2013’s You From Crush landing on you Another Star (otherwise known as My Love From Another Star), likewise composed by Park Ji Eun.

Essentially, if you adored one, almost certainly, you’d love the other, because the two shows contain numerous comparative fixings, yet served up in their particular manners.

The two shows additionally advantage from keeping Crush landing on you your sensible focal point on a genuinely hazy setting and simply letting the feels convey you.


I thought I’d take a stab at something new with this survey. Here’s an assortment of OST tracks which I found on YouTube, on the off chance that you’d prefer to appreciate the extremely wonderful OST while you read the audit.

There’s a greater assortment of OST tracks which I’ve shared toward the finish of the audit; I simply calculated this length would work better for the survey.

Likewise, I extravagant the sound quality on this Crush landing on you is a little touch better. Appreciate:

With high creation esteems, astute coordinating, cautious encircling, shading palettes fit every region, and delightful leads, Show means an entire lotta Pretty for sure.

Even though I thought the scenes in North Korea tended dull, obviously Show’s visuals, in general, had been curated in light of quite certain aims: to make a pleasant dramatization world that would be a vivid encounter for the watcher.

Specifically, I saw that the shading palette was deliberately chosen for every area: the scenes in South Korea had bolder, progressively soaked hues; the scenes in North Korea inclined much increasingly quieted and cleaned out; the scenes in Switzerland were painted in wonderful brilliant Spring tones.

On everything, Show utilizes insightful Crush landing on your surrounding and camera points to guarantee that everything is given a strong layer of fantasy clean.

My eyes; they couldn’t complain. The glimpse that Show gives us, of life in North Korea, is one of the features of my watch.

Show profits by having a very much educated, all around situated counselor who had himself surrendered from North Korea (you can peruse increasingly about that here), and remarks from different deserters from North Korea (model here) demonstrate that what we see is to a great extent precise, even though Show takes some creative freedoms.

Credit to Show for some way or another figuring out how to execute this Crush landing on you on a scale that causes onscreen North Korea to feel genuine.

I’m certain some of it was accomplished using green screens and CGI, but on the other hand, some intricate sets were built to accomplish the final product that we appreciate on our screen.

crush landing on you

Frantic props to Show for figuring out how to give us such a point by point look into life in North Korea, which has consistently been to a great extent kept covered up and puzzling.

I value that Show goes to considerable lengths to give us that normal North Korean residents are only a standard people attempting to live their lives and deal with their families.

It feels so outsider and unusual, but then so regular Crush landing on you and relatable. I thought that it was all interesting and entrancing, and altogether retaining.

The way that Shows figures out how to crush in PPL even in North Korea, utilizing the booty that the residents devour, interested me a considerable amount.

I feel like regardless of whether you’re not Crush landing on you super into the Big Romance which is Show’s principal account bend, that the vicarious North Korean experience, all by itself, merits a look.

One thing that Show does truly well, is make jokes about dramatization tropes all in all, and bring the interesting doing that while presenting dramatization tropes in its own story, and carrying the feels with those. For new show watchers, this is a serious unique two-way influence.

Like, first, let me give you what’s so stereotypical about Crush landing on you dramatization tropes, and goodness, incidentally, this is the reason you’ll adore them so much: Feeelzzz. Ha.

The show’s especially acceptable at this. Even though my mind perceived different plot advancements as rather exhausted and tropey, my heart joyfully breathed in everything, and hearts quickly developed in my eyes.

[SPOILER] In scene 4, the way Jung Hyuk and Se Ri (Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin) made out to make the main story for being out adrift was entertaining, and the way Jung Hyuk got Se Ri and unquestionably jumped off the bluff, confiding in her paragliding hardware to convey them two.

was swoony as a result, even as my cerebrum fought the simplicity with which Jung Hyuk clutched Se Ri, notwithstanding gravity and everything.

At its best, Show figures out how to be crazy yet swoony simultaneously. At its best, there’s something simple and encouraging about watching this show, even as it figures out how to feel new, while as yet utilizing tropes inside its story.

Natural, yet new. That is a quite uncommon mix, and praise to Show for figuring out how to hit that pitch immaculate note.

such a large amount of the time. Listen. I’m not Crush landing on you misrepresenting when I state this is the meltiest I’ve seen Hyun Bin, ever.

That is to say, I previously had sensibly very much educated Hyun Bin-acknowledging eyes before resulting in these present circumstances appear, however, I’m still joyfully overwhelmed, by exactly how strangely alluring Hyun Bin is in this, as our driving man Jung Hyuk.

I wasn’t feeling his allure such a great amount in 2018’s Memories Of The Alhambra, on account of how his character was composed, however here, as Jung Hyuk, he’s quite swoony to be sure.

Can’t lie; I discover him much more swoony in this show than when I originally had hearts in my eyes for him while viewing 2011’s Secret Garden, where I thought he was extremely attractive without a doubt.

I genuinely luff Hyun Bin as Jung Hyuk, and here’s the reason.

Most importantly, the visuals are stunning and on-point. Hyun Bin certainly reinforced for the job, and his wife carried, strong form, joined with his stature, and his etched great looks is a seriously potent blend for sure. Additionally, Hyun Bin unquestionably glances extra attractive in military togs.

Second of all, I love the Crush landing on your character of Jung Hyuk. Quickly, you can see that there’s a solidness about him, however, there’s a non-abrasiveness too.

Third of all not exclusively does the unemotional confounded vibe of the North Korean warrior suit Hyun Bin well, he breathes life into Jung Hyuk in the nitty-gritty, three-dimensional magnificence.

From the little smaller scale articulations to the bigger feelings, Hyun Bin conveys them all in a way that feels impeccable and natural. He made Jung Hyuk Crush landing on you spring up, for me, and I adored every last bit of it.

crush landing on you

Extra the expectation look, as he attempts to understand the peculiar South Korean lady who’s landed suddenly in his reality, and his dazed at this point insightful endeavors to oblige her needs, and it’s only one very melty bundle surely.

Swoon.E2. Jung Hyuk acquiring a world-class military vehicle, and hurrying back to Se Ri to spare her, is swoony stuff, even though I realize that he needs to ensure himself and his men as well.

It’s simple, she’s separated from everyone else and frightened and Crush landing on you cornered, and he dips in to guard her and spare her, in his unemotional, straightforward, soldiery way. Thrash.

E2. The way that Jung Hyuk not just set up with Se Ri’s ceaseless calls about her first world issues and needs, however, recollected that them and went to the market to purchase all that she’d requested, and even idea to remember clean salve for the scratch for her knee, makes him strangely appealing.

How patient and sweet right?! Also, Se Ri sees it as well, considering for all to hear that Jung Hyuk may look detached, however, it is somewhat sweet. I support the affirmation since he truly is so sweet.

E3. The minutes that hit me the hardest this scene, are the occasions when Jung Hyuk is demonstrated contemplating his piano past.

He gets this insightful look in his eyes that says a lot, even though he doesn’t utter a word. The first run-through is the point at which he takes a gander at his piano-related Crush landing on your stuff in his shelf, as Se Ri discusses having seen them.

Furthermore, the subsequent time, which I found significantly additionally influencing, is the point at which he’s hunching down before his new tomato plant, attempting to consider 10 pleasant comments to it, as trained by Se Ri, and he at long last terrains on “piano.”

Rocking to and fro on his backside, there’s an honest quality about him; his look gleams and there’s a sadness about his look, as he just falls quiet, his final word lingering palpably. Augh.

That causes me to feel like he misses his previous lifestyle a great deal, that his actual enthusiasm is for piano, and he’s here in the military absolutely to explore his hyung’s passing, and there’s so much inferred thus much feeling kept down, that words simply escape him.

Jung Hyuk’s a decent man. At the point when Se Ri assembles food and covers from his home for the vagrant kid who attempted to take Jung Hyuk’s uniform off the line, Pyo Chi Soo (Yang Kyung Won) fights uproariously about how she’s being defrauded, yet Jung Hyuk treats the kid generous.

In addition to the fact that he allows Se Ri to part with the things she’s assembled from his home without first asking him, he trains the kid to Crush landing on you wash his hands and face before eating, so he won’t become ill.

Jung Hyuk is so warm thus kind, truly. Crush landing on you I can Crush landing on you thoroughly comprehend why Se Ri would take a gander at him with hearts assembling in her eyes.

Aw, that Jung Hyuk chooses to go on the pontoon with Se Ri since he can see she’s apprehensive and restless. Once more, he’s a decent man.

Props to Jung Hyuk for telling the truth about his commitment to Se Ri, even though his heart is not in the commitment.

He’s given his assertion Crush landing on you to wed Dan (Seo Ji Hye), and that is the only thing that is in any way important. He’s a man of the guideline, and I appreciate him for that.

That scene in the bar, when a loaded Se Ri murmurs that she’s disturbed about leaving since she prefers (it/him – the item isn’t determined), I discover Jung Hyuk’s demeanor such an ideal reaction.

His look flashes only a bit, and his demeanor doesn’t change, Crush landing on you yet unmistakably the suggestions and potential outcomes are disturbing him as well.

Hyun Bin has such fine control of his smaller-scale articulations; I am appropriately dazzled.

That second when Jung Hyuk attempts to get back to Se Ri and gets the conventional telephone recording saying the number isn’t Crush landing on you accessible, the Look all over is downright capturing.

There’s stun, dread, ghastliness, misery, and expectation, all doing combating each other within, and that confounding blend of feelings is composed all over his face, solidified in time as he stands paralyzed, battling to keep down the tears.

Truly good.E9. Jung Hyuk is savvy and exceptionally keen. It doesn’t take him long to make sense of that Dan was engaged with Se Ri’s vanishing, and he rapidly reasons that it was his dad (Jun Gook Hwan) that kidnapped Se Ri.

What’s more, he’s additionally ready to work successfully with what he has; he realizes that his dad won’t condescend to get him out of jail, however, that if the word gets out that he’s the General’s child, that others would get him out, out of dread for his dad.

Even though I, for the most part, feel uninterested towards Crush landing on you Son Ye Jin, and had wound up detesting Something in the Rain, which had then expanded my meh emotions Crush landing on you towards her, I am satisfied to report that I discover her shockingly amiable in this.

Se Ri is composed to be a heap of logical inconsistencies. From one perspective, she can be incredibly sharp and ahead of the curve, and then again, she can appear to be very ditzy and ailing in like manner sense.

crush landing on you

Simultaneously, now and then she is cold and detached, and on Crush landing on you different occasions, she’s warm and liberal.

On paper, that is sufficient to give anybody show whiplash, however by one way or another, in Son Ye Jin’s hands, it works.

Rather than discovering Se Ri irritating and entitled, I discovered her very enchanting and rather charming, even while I feigned exacerbation at a portion of her progressively featherbrained minutes.

To me, I think Son Ye Jin’s greatest test was to make Se Ri amiable, despite her conduct being composed as rather counter-intuitive and unusual, now and again.

With that in mind, I would state that Son Ye Jin was successful in accomplishing that objective. As amazing as I now and then discovered Se Ri’s conduct, Crush landing on you I some way or another figured out how to accept that she was very genuine.

Likewise, for the record, I thought Son Ye Jin made an awesome showing, especially of Se Ri’s increasingly enthusiastic, troublesome scenes. An inside and out incredible execution, I say. Review: Crash Landing On You

Walk 6, 2020 by fangirl 228 Comments Crush landing on you


The show truly is everything that a significant number of us have come to adore in drama. It’s perfect to take a gander at, our entertainers are pretty darn skilled all-around, our characters are generally charming, there’s amped-up, epic sentiment to be had between an OTP that shares strong, sparky science, and, well, Hyun Bin is engaging in this, to a fairly stunning degree.

Thrash. As a little something extra, Show has a saucy comical inclination around dramatization tropes, even as it delights in them. What’s more, the brief look into North Korean life feels new and novel too and is a significant feature.

On the drawback, there’s a touch of drag in the mid-to-late scenes, which is exacerbated by rather a graceless account anxiety, and Show’s long scenes. Crush landing on you That can feel a piece or a ton hard-going, contingent upon your hunger for apprehension.

In general, however, Show works admirably bringing the Crush landing on you feels and is certainly justified regardless of the watch.


Interesting story, you folks; I watched this show twice, before composing this survey. This is something I never do, fundamentally.

I watch a dramatization once and afterward audit it. The main rewatches I accomplish for an audit would be for more seasoned dramatizations like Goong and Coffee Prince, where I rewatch the show being referred to (once more, only once), to create the survey.

So the way that I watched this show twice before beginning to compose this survey, is a first, for me.

Which makes one wonder, for what reason did I Crush landing on you want to watch this show twice?

Fundamentally, I needed to ensure that I was by and large reasonable for Show. I’d began this show on a high note, from the get-go in Show’s run; it made me snicker, and I discovered it magnificently slurpable, and rather cracky, even.

I discovered Show strange, fun, and engaging, even as I joyfully gobbled up the feels that Show presented. And afterward genuine disrupted everything, and I fell behind in my watch. Show likewise got pre-empted twice, consequently adding to the slack.

At the point when I figured out how to get again into a normal mood with my watch, around Show’s center ish scenes, I was confounded to find that I didn’t Crush landing on you appear to discover this show as cracky as I’d had, from the outset.

Indeed, I ended up dawdling, some of the time, in viewing the following scene. In Show’s last stretch, however, I chose to watch the scenes as near one another as could be expected under the circumstances, and amazingly.

I found that I delighted in those couple of scenes more than I’d anticipated Crush landing on you.

This made me wonder if the mid-show drag which I’d felt was Show’s deficiency; perhaps it was only the way that I’d lost force? Perhaps it was simply me, and not Show’s shortcoming by any means?

I concluded it is uncalled for to pronounce that Show really had any mid-run drag, without first confirming it, thus when I got as far as possible of my watch, I went directly back to scene 1 and started from the very beginning once more.

This time, I made a point to keep up a decent pace, and viewed, at any rate, a scene daily, if not two.

The final product? All things considered, I despite Crush landing on you everything thinks to Show experiences some mid-run drag, yet it’s genuinely not as terrible as I’d initially suspected.

So my slack in watch pace contributed to the apparent drag. I’ll speak progressively about the Crush landing on you mid-run drag later in this audit.

For the present, let me state that I don’t think this show is for everybody. A decent benchmark, I believe, is whether you making the most of 2013’s You From Another Star (otherwise known as My Love From Another Star), additionally composed by Park Ji Eun.

Essentially, on the off Crush landing on you chance that you adored one, all things considered, you’d love the other, because the two shows contain numerous comparable fixings, yet served up in their specific manners.

The two shows likewise advantage from keeping your sensible focal point on a genuinely hazy setting and simply letting the feels convey you.

crush landing on you


I thought I’d take a stab at something new with this audit. Here’s an assortment of OST tracks which I found on YouTube, on the off chance that you’d prefer to appreciate the wonderful OST while you read the audit.

There’s a greater assortment of OST tracks which Crush landing on you I’ve shared toward the finish of the survey; I simply calculated this length would work better for the audit.

Likewise, I extravagant the sound Crush landing on your quality on this is a little touch better. Appreciate:


The show’s exceptionally lovely to take a gander at Crush landing on you

With high creation esteems, astute coordinating, cautious surrounding, shading palettes fit every region, and delightful leads, Show signifies an entire lotta Pretty for sure.

Even though I thought the scenes in North Korea tended dull, Show’s visuals overall had been curated in light of unmistakable expectations: to make a beautiful Crush landing on your dramatization world that would be a vivid encounter for the watcher.

Specifically, I saw that the shading palette was painstakingly chosen for every area: the scenes in South Korea had bolder, increasingly immersed hues; the scenes in North Korea inclined much progressively quieted and cleaned out; the scenes in Switzerland were painted in delightful splendid Spring tones.

On everything, Show utilizes keen surrounding and camera edges to guarantee that everything is given a strong layer of fantasy clean.

My eyes; they couldn’t gripe.

The delineation of North Korea

The impression that Show gives us, of life in North Korea, is one of the features of my watch.

Show profits by having an all-around educated, all around situated counsel who had himself deserted from North Korea (you can peruse increasingly about that here).

and remarks from different turncoats from North Korea (model here) demonstrate that what we see is to a great extent precise, even though Show takes some masterful freedoms.

Praise to Show for by one way or another figuring out how to execute this on a scale that causes onscreen North Korea to feel genuine.

I’m certain some of it was accomplished using green screens and CGI, but on the other hand, some intricate sets were built to accomplish the final product that we appreciate on our screen.

Distraught props to Show for figuring out how to give us such a definite look into life in North Korea, which has consistently been to a great extent kept covered up and baffling.

I value that Show goes to considerable lengths to give us that normal North Korean residents are only common people attempting to live their lives and deal with their families.

It feels so outsider and abnormal, but so ordinary and relatable. I thought that it was all extremely interesting and intriguing, and altogether retaining.

The way that Shows figures out how to press in Crush landing on you PPL even in North Korea, using the stash that the locals expend, delighted me a considerable amount.

I feel like regardless of whether you’re not super into the Big Romance which is Show’s fundamental story circular segment, that the vicarious North Korean experience, all by itself, merits a look.

crush landing on you

The brassy treatment of tropes,

One thing that Show does truly well, is make jokes about dramatization tropes all in all, and bring the entertaining doing that while presenting dramatization tropes in its own story, and carrying the feels with those.

For new dramatization watchers, this is a significant uncommon two-way inculcation. Like, first, let me give you what’s so hackneyed about show tropes, and goodness, incidentally, this is the reason you’ll adore them so much: Feeelzzz. Ha.

The show’s especially acceptable at this. Even though my mind perceived different plot improvements as rather an old hat and trophy, my heart joyfully breathed in everything, and hearts quickly developed in my eyes.

In scene 4, the way Jung Hyuk and Se Ri (Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin) made out to make the main story for being out adrift was interesting, and the way Jung Hyuk snatched Se Ri and unhesitatingly Crush landing on you jumped off the bluff.

confiding in her paragliding gear to convey them two, was swoony as a result, even as my cerebrum fought the simplicity with which Jung Hyuk clutched Se Ri, despite gravity and everything. [END SPOILER]

At its best, Show figures out how to be absurd yet swoony simultaneously. At its best, there’s something simple and encouraging about watching this show, Crush landing on you even as it figures out how to feel new, while as yet utilizing tropes inside its story.

Recognizable, yet new. That is a truly uncommon blend, and praise to Show for figuring out how to hit that pitch immaculate note, such an extensive amount the time.


Hyun Bin as Jung Hyuk

Tune in. I’m not overstating when I state this is the meltiest I’ve seen Hyun Bin, ever.

That is to say, I previously had sensibly very much educated Hyun Bin-acknowledging eyes before resulting in these present circumstances appear, however.

I’m still joyfully overwhelmed, by exactly how ludicrously appealing Hyun Bin is in this, as our driving man Jung Hyuk.

I wasn’t feeling his allure Crush landing on you such a great amount in 2018’s Memories Of The Alhambra, because of the

The show plays on the OTP’s Big Fate in thick, Crush landing on you fat layers, with an extremely substantial hand, and I sincerely don’t think it was vital.

Like I referenced before in this survey, the improvement of the OTP Loveline was vigorous, natural and all-around very much done, to such an extent that an additional sign that these two individuals had a place together due to a Gigantic, Far-Reaching Destiny, just felt like Show was taking that These Two People Belong Together, and hitting us over and again in the head with it.

At whatever point Jung Hyuk or Se Ri began discussing destiny and fate with tears in their eyes, I need to admit, I feigned exacerbation a bit. Yet, I will surrender that Show figured out how to pull off that Big Fate in a somewhat lovely way, generally.

Demonstrate’s redeeming quality to me, on this front, is the way that Jung Hyuk and Se Ri’s association was constructed and coaxed out so well, that it didn’t require a Big Fate to back it up.

Furthermore, because this Big Fate wasn’t central to the OTP relationship, I thought that it was simpler to look past.

It very well may be trying to monitor subtleties

Since we have an entirely rambling story crossing the two Koreas, and numerous characters and circular segments to go with, I found that it was here and there testing to monitor the story and/or character subtleties.

A lot of things appeared well and good, on my subsequent Crush landing on your watch, essentially because this time, I had my orientation made sense of, and I had account setting for the whole story, which implied that everything fit together much better in my mind, thus.

This caused the story to feel substantially Crush landing on you more durable to me, on my subsequent watch. This implies, credit to essayist nim, a lot of account subtleties were all around considered. It’s only difficult to appreciate them all, the first run through around.

crush landing on you


As a rule, I didn’t end up battling much with Show’s concept of funniness, which is a Big Plus, for me.

Nonetheless, there were a few events in Show’s Crush landing on your subsequent half, where the funniness struck me as rather obtuse, and that made me awkward.

[SPOILER] Mainly, I’m alluding to the Puppies’ endeavors to discover Se Ri and Jung Hyuk in scene 12. I thought their underlying wide-looked at wonder upon their appearance in Seoul was adorable and entertaining,

however by scene 12, I felt like Show had changed gears, and was causing the young men to appear to be very weak and inept. I felt very uncomfortable in how Show was causing the young men to appear to be so awkward and diminish because they’re from North Korea.

That is to say, these should be all around prepared Special Crush landing on you Forces troopers, so it didn’t sound good to me that they were depicted carrying on in absurd, dull ways.

What’s more, envisioning North Korean watchers watch these equivalent scenes (since they do expend dramas as booty, as Show underscores), caused me to wonder how they would feel.

To my psyche, I felt like a North Korean Crush landing on your watcher may well dislike this spate of jokes made at the young men’s cost.

Furthermore, since Show realizes that it is probably going to have North Korean watchers, this appeared to be fairly coldhearted, from my perspective.

I yield, however, that having the young men Crush landing on you ooh and ahh over essential things like power and running water, makes me thankful for what I have.

I surmise I need Show to assist me with being appreciative, without making the young men look inept.

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