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IBPS 2019-20 Result out- Now check for IBPS Clerk, PO and SO

IBPS 2019-20 Result out

IBPS 2019-20 Result Out for Clerk, Probationar Officer, Management Trainee and Specialist Officer. Now IBPS 2019-20 Clerk Provisional Clerk, PO Provisional Reserve list and SO Provisional Reserve List is available now on the official website. Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has released the result list for the post of Clerk, Probationary Officer/Management Trainee and Specialist Officer.

Candidates who appeared for the exam can now download the result list from the official website at

Candidates will have to login on the website using their login credentials (Roll Number and Password or Date of birth). The availability of list is from 19th May 2020 to 30th June 2020. The list as available on the official IBPS website is the reserve list and does not guarantee recruitment to the participating banks/organisations. The reserve list also contains 10% vacancies under the categories as defined.

How to download Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Reserve list for Clerk, Probationary Officer (PO) and Specialist Officer (SO).

  1. Go to the official website of IBPS
  2. Click on the link of view Provisional Allotment under Reserve List for CRP Clerks-VIII’ OR ‘Click here to View Provisional Allotment under Reserve List for CRP PO/MT-VIII’ OR ‘Click here to View Provisional Allotment under Reserve List for CRP SPL-VIII.
  3. Now login with your login credentials.
  4. Download the reserve list as per the exam you appeared for.

You can find the direct link to the reserve list of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection for Clerk, PO and SO.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Exam (IBPS 2019-20) Direct link to reserve list
PO (Probationary Officer)  CLICK HERE
SO (Specialist Officer)  CLICK HERE

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