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ILBS (Recruitment 2020) Inviting application for various positions

ILBS Recruitment 2020

ILBS (Institute of Lever and Biliary Sciences) is inviting application for various posts.

The Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences (ILBS) has been established by the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi as an autonomous institute, under the Societies act. The mission of ILBS is to become a dedicated international centre of excellence for the diagnosis, management and advanced training and research in the field of liver and biliary diseases. LBS is a deemed university under the UGC act and it aspires to become a unique model for an academic career both for the national and international students and the faculty.

ILBS is recruiting for various positions on contract basis, initially for a period of 4 years. The post will be subject to extension based on performance. ILBS is recruiting for the posts mentioned as under:

Senior Professor (Anaesthesia) UR- 1 66
Senior Consultant (Anaesthesia) UR- 1 66
Professor (Surgical Heptology) UR- 1 66
Professor (Medical Oncology) UR- 1 66
Professor (Renal Transplant) UR- 1 66
Professor (Nephrology) UR- 1 66
Professor (Radiology) UR- 1 66
Additional Professor (Anaesthesia) UR- 1 55
Additional Professor (Radiology) UR- 1 55
Additional Professor (Renal Transplant) UR- 1 55
Additional Professor (Liver Transplant Surgery) UR- 1 55
Associate Professor (Anaesthesia) UR-3 ; OBC-1 55
Associate Professor (Medical Oncology) UR-1 55
Associate Professor (Radiology) UR-2 ; OBC-1 55
Associate Professor (Hepatology) UR-1 ; OBC-1 55
Associate Professor (Nephrology) UR-1 55
Assistant Professor (Transplant Hepatology) UR-2 50
Assistant Professor (Radiology) UR-1 ; OBC-1 50
Assistant Professor (Medical Oncology) UR-1 50
Assistant Professor (Nephrology) UR-1 ; OBC-1 50
Assistant Professor (Clinical Hematology) UR-1 50
Assistant Professor (Nuclear Medicine) UR-1 50
Assistant Professor (Clinical Genetics) UR-1 50
Assistant Professor (Neurology) UR-1 50
Consultant (Radiology) Grade III UR-1 55
Consultant (Radiology) Grade IV UR-1 50
Consultant (Medical Oncology) Grade II UR-1 55
Consultant (Medical Oncology) Grade III OBC-1 55
Consultant (Medical Oncology) Grade IV UR-1 50
Consultant (Nephrology) Grade III UR-1 55
Consultant (Nephrology) Grade IV UR-1 50
Consultant (Biostatistics) Grade IV UR-1 50
Senior Resident (Hepatology) UR-3; SC-1 ; ST-1 40
Senior Resident (Critical or Intensive Care Medicine) UR-1 40
Senior Resident (Radiation Oncology) UR-1 ; ST-1 40
Senior Resident (Medical Oncology) UR-1 ; OBC-1 ; SC-1 40
Senior Resident (Pulmonary Medicine) UR-1 40
Senior Resident (Nuclear Medicine) UR-1 ; OBC-1 40
Junior Resident UR-6 ; OBC-2 ; SC-1 ; EWS-1 40
Casualty Medical Officer UR-1 ; OBC-1 ; SC-1 35
Resident Medical Officer UR-2 ; OBC-1 ; SC-1 35
Reader (Nursing) UR-1 50
Head Operations (Medical) UR-1 65
Deputy Head Operations (Medical) UR-1 55
Head Nursing Care Services UR-1 50
Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts) UR-1 55
Manager (Nursing) UR-1 50
Manager (Purchase) UR-1 55
Deputy Manager (Purchase) UR-1           55
Assistant Manager (Purchase) UR-1  55
Assistant Manager (Store) UR-1 55
Assistant Manager (Billing & Cash) UR-1 40
Technical Executive (Nuclear Medicine) or RSO II UR-1 50
Junior Nutritionist UR-1 ; OBC-1 30
Resident Hospital Administrator UR-2 ; OBC-1 ; SC-1 35
Assistant Professor (Surgical Hepatology)-PH OH-1 50
Senior Resident (Radiology)- PH OH-2 40
Senior Resident (Hepatology)-PH OH-1 40
Senior Resident (Nephrology)-PH OH-1 40
Junior Resident – PH OH-2 40
Resident Medical Officer – PH OH-1 35
Assistant Medical Officer – PH OH-1 45
Nurse – PH OH-1 35
Junior Nurse – PH OH-2 33
Staff Assistant – PH OH-2 ; HH-1 35
Executive Nurse – PH OH-2 30
Junior Executive Nurse – PH OH-3 30


Last Date: 30th May 2020. For application forms and further details, please visit the official website:

Abbreviations:-UR-Unreserved, SC/ST- Scheduled Caste/Tribe, OBC – Other Backward Class, PH/OH- Physically Handicapped/ Orthopaedically Handicapped, EWS – Economically Weaker Sections.

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