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National Research Centre on Mithun (NRCM) Recruitment 2020: Walk-In for the post of Young Professional-I with ICAR-NRCM

National Research Centre on Mithun (NRCM) Recruitment 2020:

ICAR-National Research Centre on Mithun has called for applications from interested candidates for the recruitment of Young Professionals-I. The method of selection would be a Walk-In Interview conducted by ICAR on 10th September 2020.

Interested and Eligible candidates can refer to this article for important details pertaining to the recruitment under NRCM 2020.

National Research Centre Recruitment 2020 details-

Name of the Recruiting Organisation ICAR-NRC on Mithun Medziphema, Dimapur, Nagaland
Name of the Post Young Professionals-I, ICAR-NRCM Medziphema, Nagaland under DDO cell
File No. NRCM(G)194/2020(Vol-III)
Advt. No. NRCM(G)194/2020 (Vol III)
Interview Date 10.09.2020
Time of Interview 10:30 AM
Mode of Interview Walk-In Interview
Employment Type Contractual
Employment till 31.03.2021
Official Notification ICAR-NRCM Notification
Official Website


Eligibility Criterion for National Research Centre Recruitment 2020-

Educational Qualification: The candidate must be a graduate or diploma in Computer Science/Computer Application.

Age Limit: The candidate must be from the age group of 21-45 years (age relaxation would be given to the SC/ST/OBS/PH/Ex-Servicemen/Women as per the Government of India norms).

How to apply for the National Research Centre Recruitment 2020-

The candidate has to address the application to the Director, ICAR-NRC on Mithun, Medziphema, Nagaland. And the application has to be produced during the interview. The candidate will be required to submit attested copies of certificates along with application form and two passport size photographs. The candidate must carry these documents at the time of Walk-in Interview for verification.



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