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THDC Apprentice Recruitment 2019

THDC Apprentice Recruitment

टिहरी हाइड्रो डेवलपमेंट कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड (THDC) ने 20/09/2019 को एक भर्ती अधिसूचना (01/2019) प्रकाशित की है। नोटिफिकेशन अपरेंटिस की भर्ती के लिए है। यहां आपको टीएचडीसी अपरेंटिस भर्ती ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र 2019 के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिलेगी। यहां आपको टीएचडीसी अपरेंटिस आवेदन प्रक्रिया, महत्वपूर्ण तिथियां, आवेदन शुल्क (THDC Apprentice Recruitment), आयु सीमा, योग्यता, रिक्तियों की संख्या, वेतनमान और महत्वपूर्ण लिंक के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिलेगी। यदि आपको टीएचडीसी अपरेंटिस भर्ती ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र प्रक्रिया के बारे में कोई संदेह है, तो आप नीचे दिए गए टिप्पणी फॉर्म के माध्यम से हमसे पूछ सकते हैं।

Important Dates

Events Dates
Starting Date for Apply Online 21/09/2019
Closing Date for Apply Online 20/10/2019

THDC Apprentice Recruitment 2019 Eligibility

Post Name Vacancies Qualification Age Limit Pay Scale
Electrician 15 10th class examination under 10+2 with Science as one of the subject and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 (Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST & 03 years for OBC (NCL) and 10 years for 40% or more than 40% PWD candidates) As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Fitter 08 10th class examination under 10+2 systems or its equivalent and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Electronics Mechanic 04 10th class examination under 10+2 system in mathematics and Physics, Chemistry or its equivalent and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Wireman 08 Passed 8th class or its equivalent and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Welder (Gas & Electric) 03 Passed 8th class examination under 10+2 systems or its equivalent and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Apprentice Food Production (Cookery) 03 10th class examination under 10+2 systems and broad based basic training in hospitality sector under Centre of excellency advanced scheme and module of Centre of Excellence scheme in Food Production (Cookery) 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Apprentice food & Beverage Service (Stewardship) 05 10th class examination under 10+2 systems or its equivalent and broad based basic training in Hospitality sector under Centre of excellency scheme in food and beverage service (Stewardship) 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Secretarial Assistant 20 Passed 12th class examination under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA) 20 12th class examination under 10+2 systems of education with Science or commerce or duly recognized Diploma in Engineering from any polytechnic of 3 years Duration and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Mechanic (Diesel) 03 10th class examination or its equivalent an ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) 03 10th class examination or its equivalent and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Mechanic (Earth Moving Machinery) 02 10th class examination under 10+2 systems and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Mechanic (Repair & Maintenance of Heavy Vehicle) 02 10th class examination under 10+2 systems and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961
Mechanic (Repair & Maintenance of Light Vehicle) 04 10th class examination under 10+2 systems and ITI in respective trade 18-30 years as on 20th Oct 2019 As per Provisions of Apprentices Act 1961

THDC Recruitment Important Links


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