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UPSC Prelims 2020: Previous year papers. Download the previous year papers

UPSC Prelims 2020

UPSC Prelims 2020, Previous Year Papers:

The Union Public Service Commission has announced the Prelims 2020 date. The UPSC Prelims 2020 exam was earlier scheduled on 31st May 2020, but it was deferred due to COVID-19 and is re-scheduled on 4th October 2020.

Union Public Service Commission announced the re-scheduling of exam on its official website,

The revised examination calendar was uploaded on the official website of Union Public Service Commission, on 30th June 2020.


Along with the revised calendar, the commission also gave the opportunity to the candidates to reconsider and revise their choice of Prelims and Mains Exam Centres.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Prelims 2020 Exam Pattern

The Prelims Exam pattern comprises of two objective type papers (General Studies I and General Studies II or CSAT) of a total of 400 marks.

Name of Exam Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration of Exam Language of Exam
General Studies I 100 200 2 hours English/Hindi
CSAT 80 200 2 hours English/Hindi

The cut-off marks for General Studies I will be counted for Merit Cut-off varies every year. For CSAT the cut-off would be 33% qualifying criterion (66 marks).

For both the papers, negative marking would be made. For General Studies I, 0.66 marks would be deducted for every wrong answer and in CSAT paper, 0.83 marks would be deducted for every wrong answer.

Previous year UPSC Prelims papers:

Candidates aspiring for the UPSC exam must refer to the previous year papers to gauge your preparation level. Considering the exam is just a few months away, we have compiled the previous year papers for your reference. You can download the same from below:

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