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VSSC Technician Apprentice Recruitment 2019 – 158 Vacancies
VSSC Technician Apprentice Recruitment
विक्रम साराभाई स्पेस सेंटर (VSSC) ने एक भर्ती अधिसूचना प्रकाशित की है। नोटिफिकेशन तकनीशियन अपरेंटिस की भर्ती के लिए है। यहां आपको वीएसएससी तकनीशियन अपरेंटिस भर्ती ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र 2019 (VSSC Technician Apprentice Recruitment) के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिलेगी। यहां आपको वीएसएससी तकनीशियन अपरेंटिस आवेदन प्रक्रिया, महत्वपूर्ण तिथियां, आवेदन शुल्क, आयु सीमा, योग्यता, रिक्तियों की संख्या, वेतनमान और महत्वपूर्ण लिंक के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिलेगी। । यदि आपको वीएसएससी तकनीशियन अपरेंटिस भर्ती ऑनलाइन आवेदन फार्म प्रक्रिया के बारे में कोई संदेह है, तो आप नीचे दिए गए टिप्पणी फ़ॉर्म के माध्यम से हमसे पूछ सकते हैं।
VSSC Technician Apprentice Recruitment 2019
Post Name | Vacancies | Qualification | Age Limit | Pay Scale |
Automobile Engg. | 08 | 1st Class Diploma (3 years duration) in the respective field with not less than 60% marks | Upper age limit 30 years (33 years for OBC, 35 years for SC/ST, 10 years for Pwd) as on 16th Sept 2019 | Rs.3542/- |
Chemical Engg. | 25 | 1st Class Diploma (3 years duration) in the respective field with not less than 60% marks | Upper age limit 30 years (33 years for OBC, 35 years for SC/ST, 10 years for Pwd) as on 16th Sept 2019 | Rs.3542/- |
Civil Engg. | 08 | 1st Class Diploma (3 years duration) in the respective field with not less than 60% marks | Upper age limit 30 years (33 years for OBC, 35 years for SC/ST, 10 years for Pwd) as on 16th Sept 2019 | Rs.3542/- |
Computer Sci/Engg. | 15 | 1st Class Diploma (3 years duration) in the respective field with not less than 60% marks | Upper age limit 30 years (33 years for OBC, 35 years for SC/ST, 10 years for Pwd) as on 16th Sept 2019 | Rs.3542/- |
Electrical Engg. | 10 | 1st Class Diploma (3 years duration) in the respective field with not less than 60% marks | Upper age limit 30 years (33 years for OBC, 35 years for SC/ST, 10 years for Pwd) as on 16th Sept 2019 | Rs.3542/- |
Electronics Engg. | 40 | 1st Class Diploma (3 years duration) in the respective field with not less than 60% marks | Upper age limit 30 years (33 years for OBC, 35 years for SC/ST, 10 years for Pwd) as on 16th Sept 2019 | Rs.3542/- |
Instrument Technology | 06 | 1st Class Diploma (3 years duration) in the respective field with not less than 60% marks | Upper age limit 30 years (33 years for OBC, 35 years for SC/ST, 10 years for Pwd) as on 16th Sept 2019 | Rs.3542/- |
Mechanical Engg. | 46 | 1st Class Diploma (3 years duration) in the respective field with not less than 60% marks | Upper age limit 30 years (33 years for OBC, 35 years for SC/ST, 10 years for Pwd) as on 16th Sept 2019 | Rs.3542/- |
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