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World Laughter Day 2021?

World Laughter Day Celebrated In May Every Year

World Laughter Day Celebrated On First Sunday In Month Of May Every Year

In May, we celebrate laughter day  and it has many benifits to laugh. It raise awareness of laugh and many other health benefits. Here the another goal of laughter day is creat  world peace,p and manifest to built  consciousness through laughter. We have probably heard from our surrounding people that”laughter is best medicine”. It is recognised by the phsycologist and medicine doctors  that laughter therapy is best. That’s because there is many evidence that prove laughter can do so many wonders.

Here are just some of the many benefits of laughter:

  • Helps to reduce pain and allows people to tolerate uncomfortable situation.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels and increases glucose tolerance capacity.
  • Improves job performance
  • Makes marriages life and intimate relationships healthier
  • Makes active the brain of speakers and listeners
  • Restores a positive emotional situation between two people
  • Helps blood vessels function better, which is good for the heart and brain
  • Relieves stress and helps in the body relaxing

Additionally, laughter boosts the immune system and triggers the release of endorphins which promotes an overall sense of well-being. One more amazing benefit of laughter is that it burns calories! If you laugh for 10 to 15 minutes a day, you will burn about 40 calories.

HOW TO OBSERVE World Laughter Day

It’s easy and fun to take partipart in this day. All you need to do is just have a good laugh. If you’re feeling sad or depressed, pop in a funny movie like Best in Show, Big, Clueless, Dumb and Dumber, Office Space. You might also want to listen to funny comedians like Jerry Seinfeld, Kapil sharma, Kiku sharma. Here are some other ways to celebrate the day:

  • Tell someone a funny joke
  • Look up inspirational quotes about laughter
  • Post a funny picture to social media
  • Read a funny book
  • No matter how you choose to celebrate the day, be sure to share #WorldLaughterDay on social media.

Dr. Madan Kataria, the founder of the Laughter Yoga movement, established World Laughter Day. The first event was held in Mumbai, India on May 10, 1998. Dr. Kataria is a family doctor in India. He started the Laughter Yoga movement based on the idea that facial expressions have an effect on emotions. Currently, there are about 5,000 Laughter Yoga clubs throughout the world.

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